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Playful Ways to Utilize Your Backyard Trees in TexasAugust 26th 2021

The sun isn’t setting anytime soon on this hot Texas summer, so we’re sharing some fun ideas to turn your backyard into your kids’ summer oasis! Austex is your go-to for tree companies Round Rock TX this year. 

Build A Treehouse

The first thing that comes to mind when you put together “kids” and “trees” is to build a traditional treehouse! This project is easier said than done; you’ll need the right structural support from your trees, some basic handyman skills, and time to spare. But, if you’re up for the challenge, a treehouse will blow your kids away and provide them their own private getaway from the safety of your yard! Get inspired from our Austex treehouse blog

Set Up A Hammock

If you can’t commit to an entire architecture project this summer, opt for a quick and easy set up instead! Attaching a hammock is an amenity kids and adults alike will enjoy. This is the perfect spot to rest and relax after a long day, or bask in the sun.

Hang A Tire Swing

Who says tire swings are old school?! This easy and low budget playground will keep your kids occupied all weekend long. All you need is a spare tire, a sturdy rope, and a reliable branch. Be warned: Tire swings can weigh on branches, so you’ll want to look into your tree before setting up. 

Have a Picnic

If your tree serves to provide shade during the Round Rock TX heat, plan a family picnic! This is a great way for the whole gang to get outside, enjoy the fresh air, and spend quality time together as a family. You can use this opportunity to bake or cook a dish together, too! 

Create an Enchanted Forest

So your trees aren’t structurally sound enough to build off of. Instead, weave some twinkly lights through the branches and turn your yard into a magical land far, far away! Your kids will love playing dress up, enjoying snacks, and telling stories under the enchanted ambience. 

To learn more about tree trimming companies and to get answers to any questions regarding tree companies Round Rock TX, contact Austex Tree Service Inc today!

Summer Tree Trimming TipsJune 24th 2021

Summer is here, and your trees could use a trim before the heat gets to them! Here are some of our best tips for your summer tree trimming Austin TX.

Less Is More

While your trees could use a summer cut, it’s best to wait until they are in their dormant state (typically the winter months) to do a full pruning service. That being said, a brief cleanup can leave your landscape looking great and feeling healthy. As a rule of thumb, don’t cut more than 25% of your trees’ greenery- the green color in leaves is an indicator of food for your plants, and you want your trees to eat healthy all summer long.

Keep It Clean

When trimming, be sure to make clean cuts so the branches can heal quickly and easily. Plants of any kind are more susceptible to pests and diseases in the summer, especially certain trees like oaks. Large, open tree cutting wounds can leave opportunities for your trees to become infested or infected. We recommend plant-friendly pesticides to protect your landscape, but the proper tree trimming should do the trick.

Just A Touch-Up

While a full tree cutting service is best performed during the dormant period, there are a few instances when we recommend busting out the shears this season. If your tree is growing in an unfamiliar shape, or branches are lingering into an unwanted area, a brief makeover is also permitted. As mentioned before, clean, minimal trimming is a great way to keep your lawn looking fresh.

The Three Ds

When your trees are dead, damaged, or diseased, it may be time to say goodbye. If your trees have dead, broken, or weak branches, you’ll want to take care of those quickly so as to prevent any harm to your lawn or bystanders. But if the damage goes beyond a simple trim, give Austex Tree Service a call to safely remove the tree

To learn more about summer tree maintenance and to get answers to any questions regarding tree service Austin TX, tree cutting Round Rock TX and tree trimming Austin TX, contact Austex Tree Service Inc today!

Winter Tree MaintenanceFebruary 12th 2021

Winter conditions can be very stressful on trees and require more tree service Austin TX. Newly planted trees and older trees are especially vulnerable to the harsh weather conditions at this time. Follow these steps to insure your trees stay healthy during the winter seasons and for many years to come. 


Inspecting your trees to check for any weak or broken branches is a great idea during this time. Calling a professional tree service to inspect your trees and prune off any of these branches will create a safer environment for everyone as well.


Continue to water your trees on a regular schedule until there is snow or ice on the ground. Once the ice and snow melts, you can continue to water your soil back to a regular schedule. Watering in the morning is also a great idea since it will give the plants an opportunity to absorb the water before nightfall, (arbordayblog.org).


Mulching right before winter hits is a good idea to preserve your trees. Mulch is applied to the surface of the soil, around the base of your tree. Mulching has many benefits such as maintaining moisture and soil temperature. This can help especially in the winter months to prevent the soil from getting too cold. This will also help with pest control and weed control for anytime.

Avoid Salt

If you can, do not plant your trees in a location that road salt could potentially get washed into your soil. Salt can make your trees more susceptible to disease and numerous growth problems. Making the conscious decision to not plant a tree too close to the road where cars are driving by or heay rain could push the salt into your tree’s soil is the best way to prevent this.

To learn more about winter tree maintenance and to get answers to any questions regarding tree service Austin TX, tree removal Austin TX and tree trimming Austin TX, contact Austex Tree Service Inc today!

Signs Your Tree is SickDecember 21st 2020

There are several signs to watch out for to ensure your trees are staying healthy and do not need tree removal Austin TX. Spotting these signs of your tree being sick early on could potentially save your tree and save you money in the long run. The following are a few signs that your tree may be sick:


A tree that is sick may show visible signs of decay. Thedecay usually begins in the inside of the tree, so it may be hard to spot at first. Some examples of what decay might look like on the visible parts of the tree are mushroom spores, soft wood, and expanded tree trunks. 


Another key indicator of a sick tree is deadwood, an area on the tree that has died. This deadwood can appear very dry,brittle, and it will not have any leaves growing from it or bark.

Root Damage

A tree with visible signs of root damage could very likely be sick. If your tree’s roots are shallow or visibly exposed, they could be damaged.

Peeling Bark

If the bark on your tree is peeling, this could also be a sign of disease. The bark on your tree is essential for your tree’s health and function. It serves as a protective barrier, shielding your tree from potential damages that could come from temperatures, weather storms and animals. If the bark on your tree is peeling, it may not have the proper protection and ability to maintain nutrients to survive, (Smitty’s Tree Service). It is normal however for trees to experience small amounts of peeling, but if you see large chunks of bark coming off, don’t hesitate to contact a professional!

To learn more about how to prevent tree sickness and questions about tree service Austin TX, tree removal Austin TX, or tree trimming Austin TX, visit Austex Tree Service today!

Fall Tree MaintenanceOctober 22nd 2020

With the fall season in full effect and winter right around the corner, it is important to make sure you are implementing the right tree service Austin TX. Here at Austex Tree Service we can give you the proper help this season to insure your trees are staying healthy!

Water your trees

Making sure your trees are properly watered this fall is the first step in the right direction. The fall months can be very dry and preparing your trees with the right nutrients before the harsh winter weather is key. When winter comes, it’s important to remember that your trees still need to be watered to stay healthy.

Prevent injuries 

Heavy snow or ice and the weight of animals can have an effect on your trees during this time. Keeping up with your tree trimming Austin TX is a great way to prevent any damage to your trees and a safety hazard from forming.


The fall season is a great time to fertilize your trees. Using a slow release fertilizer during the fall season is a great way to make sure your trees are getting the right amount of nutrients all the way through the harsh winter climate. Prepping your trees for winter and planning in advance is vital to the health of your trees.

Plant some new trees

The fall time is actually a great time to plant some new trees! This is because during these fall months the weather conditions are not as harsh as the rest of the seasons, so it gives new trees a foundational time to prepare its roots for the winter. New trees in the fall won’t have to worry about battling extreme weather right off the bat.

For more information on tree service Austin TX, tree removal Austin TX and tree trimming Austin TX, visit Austex Tree Service today!

Benefits of Proper Tree RemovalAugust 25th 2020

Tree removal Austin TX is now an easy and beneficial process with the help of Austex Tree Service. Tree removal is necessary for many reasons and a great way to keep a safe environment. 

Injury Prevention

Proper removal of unwanted trees enhances the safety of the environment by preventing falling branches and even trees. This will lessen the possibility of an accident and create an overall safer environment.

Saves Time and Money

Having a tree removed professionally is the easiest and most cost effective way to remove your trees. Attempting to do so on your own can lead to injury and frustration from the lack of knowledge or having the incorrect tools. Without the correct training to remove a tree, attempting to do so can be very dangerous.

Proper Equipment

When removing a tree it is important to have the right tools and equipment. These tools can be very expensive especially if they will only be used a few times. This is why leaving it to the professionals will benefit your time, money and safety.

Clear Space

Removing an old or unwanted tree can create space for new things in your yard. For example adding a pool, patio or shed can enhance your way of life and bring new opportunities. You could also use the space to plant new, healthy trees or other landscaping to better fit the space. 

Clean Landscape

Tree trimming Austin TX or tree removal Austin TX can lead to a mess that should be cleaned up properly. Having a professional do the work will ensure your surrounding landscape stays looking clean and does not get damaged. They also will properly dispose of the excess wood and branches from the process.

If you are interested in enhancing your property by removing trees or any tree service Austin TX, contact Austex Tree Service.

7 of the Coolest Treehouses to ExistJune 21st 2020

Have you ever wanted a treehouse? I think we can all agree that tree houses are cool. Not being fixed to a foundation offers a world of architectural possibilities. If you are interested in building a tree house of your own, make sure you are doing the proper research on the trees in the area to make sure you aren’t going to damage them and that you are going to have enough support and longevity to safely build. You will also need to prep the area before building, such as, having any tree trimming Austin TX done.

For inspiration on cool ideas, check out these seven treehouse designs.

The Traditional Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Tree trimming Austin TX

Credit: Pinterest

Talk about the coolest treehouse for kids. This simplified design allows for it to be easily constructed but is different enough to stand out from the rest of the tree houses in the neighborhood.

The Enchanted Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Tree trimming Austin TX
Credit: Enchanted Forest BC

Looking like it was pulled straight out of Wonderland, this tree house is an adult’s childhood dreams come true. From the mushroom landscaping to the spiral staircase, this home is a fantasy.

The Invisible Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Tree trimming Austin TX
Credit: Tree Hotel

Can you find the tree house? This house was made to camouflage into the trees as it is made with glass and reflects its surroundings.

The Luxury Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Tree trimming Austin TX
Credit: Seattle Met / Will Austin

The shape and length of the walkway to the treehouse adds a sense of luxury and grandeur to the home, offering a nice welcome to any quests.

The Bridge Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Credit: Narcity

This quaint little home features a bridge and a large balcony that allows you to sit out and appreciate the nature around you. Small tree houses like these are great for home sharing, such as Airbnb, as they are small enough to be listed at an affordable price and are a cool experience.

The Barely Raised Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Credit: Tehran Design

This tree house is a beautiful elevated cabin. The tree story design adds height to the home in addition to the stairs that lead to the balcony and entryway. 

The Jungle Tree House

Tree service Austin TX
Tree removal Austin TX
Credit: Narcity

Feel like Tarzan in this tree house, with the rope bridge and the outside bed. You will be transported to another world and have a unique experience. 

For more information on tree houses and how to prep or maintain the trees, contact Austex Tree Service, a tree service Austin TX company, to speak with a specialist.

Why You Need a Tree Maintenance ServiceMay 21st 2020

Hiring a professional tree removal Austin TX service or tree maintenance technician is often the last thing on a homeowner’s mind. Most people think trees are self-sufficient and do not require much maintenance or care; however, that is wrong. The health of your trees is imperative in the overall landscape of your yard. Improper care of your trees can result in not only physical damage, but financial damage as well, as you will have to pay more in the long-run.

Maintain the Health of Your Tree

As we previously mentioned, hiring a proper tree maintenance service to take care of your trees will allow them to live a long and healthy life. Trees add character to a home and connect you with nature. They can bring up property values and bring them down, depending on how you care for them. Make sure you are doing everything you can to keep them at their fullest potential.

Get It Done Right

Professionals know best. They are trained, can spot areas of weakness, decay, or disease and are specialists in their field. Hiring a professional tree maintenance service ensures that your trees are being taken care of. Also, there are some tree services that require the help of a professional, such as tree removal Austin TX. It is important to get the job done right the first time, so that you don’t run into any further problems.

Save Your Time and Money

Professionals have routine procedures for every tree situation, meaning whatever service you purchase, they can get it done in a quicker amount of time than if you were to attempt it yourself. Some people may choose to purchase their own equipment and to try to service their trees themselves; however, this is not necessarily the best idea as equipment is expensive and requires a good amount of knowledge to operate properly. Leave it to the experts and save your time and money.

Stay Safe

Some homeowners have massive trees and over time, they can grow to get even bigger. Especially, if you own a ton of land with large trees on your property, hiring professionals to keep them looking good and healthy is important. 

To hear more about what a tree maintenance company can offer, contact Austex Tree Service, a tree service Austin TX to speak with a specialist.

Top 5 Tree Pruning Mistakes to AvoidApril 20th 2020

Tree pruning Austin TX is necessary in maintaining the health of trees. It requires a highly trained and experienced tree service technician to get the job done effectively.

Check out these top 5 tree pruning mistakes to avoid.

Confusing Tree Pruning with Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is the process of trimming to enhance growth. Tree pruning is the process of maintaining the protection and overall health of the tree. Some of the biggest differences between tree trimming and tree pruning Austin are equipment used, techniques, and timelines of maintenance. By not understanding the differences can lead to achieving the opposite result of what you were wanting.

Taking Off of the Top

Many people turn to tree pruning Austin TX because they notice that one of their trees is too tall. Their next thought is to grab some hedge cutters, a ladder, and try to take some height off of the top. Only an inexperienced pruner would make this mistake as this is one of pruning’s common don’ts. Taking off of the top can greatly weaken the tree and force it into shock, creating a bush of growth. Instead, opt for decreasing the width of the tree by removing branches to help keep the tree structurally sound.

Over Pruning

Over pruning can greatly reduce the health of your tree in various ways. For one, it can create internal decay from cutting off a branch wider than 4 inches in diameter, instead of 2-3. Also, over pruning can create suckers, which grow from the trunk or from branches. 

Not Pruning, At All

The purpose of pruning is to maintain the health of your trees. Proper pruning can help to greatly extend the life of your trees in the long run. It will maintain the luscious beauty and increase your curb or backyard appeal.

Pruning Your Trees Yourself

Untrained pruning can lead to damage, decay, and disease in your trees. If you feel you are unprepared or too inexperienced to properly prune your trees, don’t risk it! Contact a tree service specialist to get the job done right.

For more information contact Austex Tree Service, a tree pruning company Texas, and receive a free estimate.

Precautions We’re Taking for Covid

From the comfort of your own home we can provide a free estimate by email, text, and/or phone, no face to face contact is needed.

Top 4 Tips for Taking Care of Young TreesMarch 20th 2020

Spring is gardening season. The weather is nice, the sun is out, and there is still enough water coming down to help give your trees the proper nutrients they need to grow. However, it is still important that you take the correct steps to maintaining your tree’s health. To ensure your trees are getting the proper care, contact a tree specialist to get professional tree services Austin TX or check out these four tips you can do on your own.

1. Water 

When watering young trees, you need to make sure that you are consistent and are generous. This could be between five to 20 gallons of water depending on the age of the tree. By doing this you will help to prevent your tree from getting diseases or poor health conditions. The roots will grow to be strong and more robust. 

2. Maintain Soil Moisture

When determining how much water you should give your young tree, you need to check the soil moisture. Soil moisture is important to the health of a tree because it is a great indicator if you have been over or under-watering your plant. There should only be four to six inches of moisture in the soil, if there is any more, try lessening the amount of  water you are giving your tree on a daily basis and if the soil is less moist, think of adding more water. A tree can die by being over-watered, just as much as if it were under-watered. If this is the case, call a tree removal service in Austin to get the assistance you need.

3. Free the Area from Weeds or Grass

When a tree is young, it needs all of the moisture and nutrients from the soil as it can get. When a tree has plants, grass, or weeds surrounding it, they will soak up all of the water from the soil and leave your tree malnutritioned. This is a big problem as this can be the cause of a young tree dying. Make sure you are getting rid of these plants and adding mulch to the area, if you can, to give your young tree a fighting chance. 

4. Protect from Chemicals

Using pesticides or herbicides on or around a young tree is extremely detrimental to its growth. These chemicals can cause tree deformities and if not treated can kill the tree completely. It is important to do the proper research and apply these herbicides and pesticides to the right areas, so that no tree or plant is hurt. 

If you run into any of these problems you can call Austex Tree Services, tree services Austin TX, and they will help you with any of your tree growing, stump removal, fertilization needs, and more.

Austex Tree Service

1000 Clark St Round Rock, TX 78681
Office Phone: (512) 248-0082
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